
Enhance the Size of your Awareness

So you may notice that there's some like ads and stuff at the bottom. Don't worry man, their just doin' there thing, they're not hasslin' you man. This is America, home of the eagle. We're still a nonprofit organization (our current projects are housing for Africans and abortions in China) man. They're just there to bring the voice of the corporations onto my blog, the voice of the people of the finest country in the universe, America. Man, corporations are like the FOUNDATION of America culture and the effigy of like democracy and capitalism man. Keep ur eyes open for somthin rl big, rl soon.


  1. I believe that there is no sign of hypocrisy in the addition of commercialism embedded into your site. After all, your goal is to HELP people, in any means necessary, and the people that go boo to the fact that you're trying to help the AID-strewn Africans into nice 2-story homes should go bury their heads in sand, as it would be safer for them to be their before the KKK of common sense knocks on their fucking door.

    We need more people like you. People that are willing to gain money through easy ways to fund their humanitarian news and profits to the world. The good of the many outweighs the needs of the few.

  2. i thenk this blog is rly gay roflmow.
