
Some New Environmental/Economy Shit

So digg this, I knows lots of you guys like chew gums and stuff right? So I was thinking and stuff, and so I thought, "Whats a better solution to the economy and gum crisis?" So get this, chew dog toys. Dig it, a chew toy is reusable, and less expensive. It's like Buying Stuff 101 people! Duh! Less buying gum means the goverment can take our remaining money, give it to banks, and bam. Economy crisis: over. And, since there's lots of gum wrappers and shit, saving trees. Don't you want to be green? DONT YOU ?l">CARE??!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!!!?!??!?!!?!?@>?l gm,gfkjidgrkidfjkdjksdf h


  1. Wow, I agree so much with this, people don't realize on how much the American economy is declining, but they don't realize that most of the people involved with the drop also chewed shitloads of gum. I say, chew the dog toys! Save the world!

  2. But what about the dogs? You're taking away their source of nourishment.
